Archive for February, 2013

The Hoarding Instinct

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

My mother subscribed to and collected magazines on every topic imaginable. And when her stacks became unmanageable, she bought shelves to house the stacks of magazines on. I printed out the definition of hoarding and how it is an affliction and told her she needed help.

In the past week as I’ve packed and thrown out and given to charity I realized, I, Rachel Dangermond, am a Hoarder.

Yesterday, at Zulu, I told friends I have been having such difficulty getting rid of stuff that it has almost paralyzed me. Give me an example one asked. I said I have these felt dots that go on the bottom of things to keep them from scratching the table and the sheet of dots has not been used but has been moved for the last 15 years every where that I have gone. “THROW THEM OUT!” came the chorus.

I couldn’t. I came home and they walked in the house and went right to them and went to throw them away and I said, wait, let’s see if they still stick. And they did. I’m sure, no positively sure, that now that they are gone, I will find multiple, emergency, needs and uses for those dots. But for now, they are gone.


The City That Care Forgot

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

New Orleans has to exist because if it didn’t people would invent it. After so many episodes of In Treatment not to mention the reality of life in front of TV, I begin to believe that everyone is seriously flawed. And some people chose to anesthetize themselves, some turn to alcohol or drugs or both, some smoke, some lie and cheat, some gamble, but here in New Orleans, people spend a lot of that negative energy creating something ephemeral and beautiful and so in the midst of all of my own chaos, I sought out the joy that living in New Orleans brings.





Venture not all in one boat

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

I sat on the porch to have my coffee this morning and watch the sun rise for the last time from the LaLa. The last few days have been especially trying for so many reasons it is hard to even begin to enumerate. I watched an episode on In Treatment last night sitting on the floor of the living room as my furniture now lives in my future life, not here in my present life. Paul (the therapist played by Gabrielle Byrne) was speaking with his patient about a situation that happened in the patient’s childhood. He was remembering how his mother had fallen apart and how another mother had continued to have parties and celebrate life and he was comparing the two.

I thought of Tin and what I was told the other day – that I am ruining his life because of my actions. Interesting comment seeing how my life had ended two years ago and I feel as if I am getting my life back and have been told by professionals the right course is to align with your values. I thought what I would say to the person who was being (mis)quoted – I may never be the mother that Tin would have wanted, but he will, one day, come to love the mother I am — as I did with my own flawed mother. As we all (hopefully) do.



Meanwhile, sitting on the porch this morning, I thought about my closing ceremony tomorrow, where I drink a glass of champagne and toast to the good memories that were made in this house and shatter the panes of colored glass that I salvaged during the remodel of 2005 to one day create something beautiful – I will assign each of these panes a dream that went sideways and then I will break each colored glass with a piece of granite I have moved with me too many times – at the end of this process, I will burn the empty promises that were written on pieces of paper that I have collected – I will then wrap all of this in the OTR beach towel I was given many conferences ago – put it in the trash and walk away.

At last.

But as I sat on the porch I asked the universe one more time, why? And then I answered myself – More Will Be Revealed. And I remembered the fortune cookie fortune that I taped up a few years ago that reads: Venture Not All In One Boat. And so the answer that came to me, which suffices for now, is this: I put all 50 years of my dreams into the LaLa – to put down roots in a beautiful home (as my father had gypsy in his blood) and to have a garden (because my mother always dreamed she would plant one) and to have a family (because my primary family fell apart at the death of each parent or perhaps even earlier when my mother became an alcoholic and my father’s rage amplified) and to live in harmony with nature (to honor my grandmother who gave me that gift).

Venture not all in one boat.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Dont’ invest all your money in one company.

To the man at the parade

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

I have so much to do I could spit. But I took Tin to Zulu this morning by bike because it’s Mardi Gras and remember I live in the city that Care Forgot, which is why you have to go to a parade on Fat Tuesday. Lately, since I’ve changed my life I’ve had a series of encounters. The man at CC’s who asked me in all honesty if I would give him a shot. The man at the parade who said, “You spoil your child. I would make him walk and hold his hand.” And then later, “I would protect you. And him.”

Parade man gave me his number and said to call him.

I’m not so demure. The guy at the coffee shop, I told, “My priority is my son, the fact that I’ve stopped and talked to you is the shot.” The guy at the parade I explained, “A mother’s job is to spoil her son. I’m in the middle of something, I can’t call you now.” Mr. Parade man said, “You don’t have to call now, call anytime, I like your attitude.”


In Treatment

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

I was watching the second session with Walter that Paul has on In Treatment and even though my therapist said that the industry feels that Paul’s therapy is spot on – I beg to differ. The discussion is centered on Panic Attacks – of which I’m an expert. Walter keeps saying over and over again that his episodes are not panic attacks because they never happen under duress and Paul never addresses this and as a matter of fact refutes that the Panic Attack is not happening under stress.

This is a case of bad writing and bad research. Panic Attacks happen sometimes YEARS after the stress occurs. They happen in a moment of perhaps you might even call ease – that is when the body allows the sum toll of what took place to express itself. Panic Attacks are more lethal because they happen when you least expect them – not as a direct consequence but rather as a delayed stealth bomb. Most people who suffer Panic Attacks think they are going crazy because there is not cause and effect in real time.

This is not addressed even once in this session with Walter who is obviously having Panic Attacks, who HAS obviously had Panic Attacks his whole life. Not once, does Paul talk to him about the fact that this is not something that happens in the moment of stress, but many if not most times, much later.

A serious oversight if you ask me.

50 Ways to Leave the LaLa

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

[written a few days ago – today’s Fat Tuesday]

I’ll share a secret with you that might not have been obvious at the time. In the summer of 2011, I considered taking my life. I would look outside at the bayou and dream about putting actual stones in my pockets and entering the bayou (and taking pills to ensure I didn’t come out). That’s how hopeless my life seemed to me then, that’s how trapped I felt. I thought about this walking through City Park this morning and thought about Nick and Craig, two colleagues from different times and places, who had actually killed themselves. Craig off the Golden Gate Bridge and Nick who shot himself. If only I could have told them, hang on.

Who knows if I would have followed through on this despair. I have a child and so inevitably I have become my mother. My mother always said she stayed with my father because of me (us). So here’s a burden my son doesn’t ever need, he is the reason why getting in the truck and heading to Mexico (my father’s threat all of my life), or going into the bayou and saying bye bye is not an option. That’s right – Tin needs me. But more importantly, I need him.

In the spring of 2012, when my hair started falling out, I almost freaked out because I didn’t know what the hell was going on, but somehow on a deeper level it seemed par for the course. It was that ounce of pride I had left in me that had now been removed. Once totally bald, and not accepting my state, I started noticing people who had cancer, or who had died or had loved ones who had died, just a lot of people who had worse situations than my own. Not to minimize loss of energy or complete hair loss, because really …. so I began to embrace what had happened as an opportunity. A chance to have a blank slate and start again. Differently.

I wanted to shed the part of me that was getting used to telling the sob story. My life became a convenient cautionary tale to dole out to unwitting bystanders. But I wanted to embrace a new narrative that told of triumph over adversity and renewal rather than refusal to change. And so I started looking at my life from many different angles. My relationship with Tatjana had guided me through some rough patches in my life – two failed adoptions, mother dying, Arlene dying, but I found in the end that as much as we loved each other, the love itself could not overcome the fundamental differences in our notions of relationship and these differences grew more glaring in 2012. This turmoil simultaneously caused me to re-mourn my relationship with Steve as, farther away from that relationship, I could recall the very best of him, which was that Steve had been my rock. This is not a conclusion that I forged in hindsight, it is what I said when I was in the relationship.

Someone told me once that it takes half as long as you were in the relationship to grieve it. So it makes sense that eight years later I was coming full circle of my grief of 16 years of marriage.

I remember years ago at the height of my Wall Street career sitting at a round table with a dozen men late one night, traders and salesmen, and drinking way too much expensive wine, and each of these men was so loud that together they formed a thundering cacophony, so I slipped into the bathroom and text Steve and said, “I miss the quietness of you.” And I did, again and again. I have missed the silent strength the men I have chosen in my life typically bring to the equation that was missing from my equation.

My world was falling apart and I needed a rock. Someone to count on.

When I had finished the LaLa and moved in, I sent a thank you note to Steve to thank him for the gift of his design, this gift of love, I had called it. Whoa! Was I delusional or was he laughing so hard his sides hurt? This gift of love turned out to be a demon child that made my head spin round and round and throw up green vomit – it was rock and roll from day one. From the brother who went postal and hid in his house refusing to sign the Agreement to Sell to the appraisal that came in $100K over the selling price before I dumped $500K into it that my mother insisted came from a jealous red headed divorcee appraiser who thought I had a better deal, to the cuts in pay that started with a 30% then a 20% cut to finally losing my job, to the roller coaster of hair loss, learning more about the differences in my partnership, admitting that if I didn’t do anything my life would end some how, some way, to listing the LaLa and receiving two offers before the house was even on the market eight years later – two offers – one cash and the other over asking price before finally settling on a third offer, an architect who bought it for his mother.

The LaLa. The LaLa was given its name by a child, a boy of seven years old, who had first named this house, “Rachel’s writing house” then changed his mind and called it simply, “The LaLa.” The name stuck and became etched in the foundation of the house, and I recreated the acronym to mean many different things through the years, mainly settling on Live And Love And [repeat].

And that I did, and do, and [repeat].

Gaining while losing

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

I have gained and lost perspective so many times in the past two months it is hard to know which way is forward and which way is back. Rudy or we have come to know him around here as #STFURudy because of the comments – “Boy, Tin is going to have a hard time adjusting to this smaller place” to “Man, you better be glad you’re selling this place and getting out.” Then there was the new guy and he also got the #STFU hashtag but he was helping me move so I didn’t respond. “Are you selling? How could you sell this place? Do you realize 8 people could live here – this place is huge? How will you live in this small apartment?” #STFUMovingGuy.

I swear if I weren’t so weary I would laugh or cry or both, but there is still packing to be done.


For weeks she’d worked on the packing up of boxes,
delighting at first in the careful ordering of books,
hidden gems rediscovered, but as the days wore on
and the piles rose ever higher,
she doubted she could stem the flood of objects,
endless stuff,
remembered plans that never happened,
chapters opened but long since reached The End,
and even as she worked, furiously,
to cram down objects, dreams, and messed up memories,
she feared it wasn’t possible
to pack up a life,
stacked neatly into boxes then sealed and neatly labelled,
and craved the vastness of a
to put it all away, contained and containable,
so the objects of her life could be moved and then:
and stream out roudily,
untidily unstoppable,
dripping with memories,
teeming with the signs of a life lived openly,
the boxes
crammed with the
detritus of the mess we make
when we open up our hearts,
and live life without the labels.
~Joanna Paterson

Deadly storm hits the …

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

The storm has hit the Southeast or at least that is what it feels like. How about it’s Mardi Gras and nothing stops Mardi Gras in this city and then I’m moving and that is like a freight train that can’t be stopped either and all I have to say is that last night I dreamed that I was lying in bed watching a movie on television – ha, as if that has ever happened! – and outside I knew that there were people in place to protect me because the killers were coming. Very detached, wouldn’t you say?

So here I am the queen pin, rolling up her sleeves and getting down and dirty. I mean I have packed and I have moved and I have thrown out and I keep saying over and over – I never thought I’d move again and here I am – well you wouldn’t believe what you accumulate in eight years in a house that has nooks and crannies to hold stuff. Lord Today! to think that I purged a year and a half ago – you’d never know.

So I have been at it since I woke this morning – up and down and all around. But I did manage to take Tin to Muses – one of my favorite parades and who was the Queen this year – Ruby Bridges – the first African American girl to enter an all white school – god bless her! And bless Muses for being right on.


Before the parade, I had picked up Tin’s friend and him from school and took them for a streetcar ride and waffles and chocolate shakes at Camelia Grill – yum.


The today, in the midst of boxes and bubble wrap, we snuck away for a little parade fun at Endymion and that about wore me out but we passed a good time. I saw a guy with a milk crate strapped to his bike riding down Orleans with five bags of ice in it, I had four text today, two to ask me to move my bike, and two to ask me to borrow my bike. You have to learn to get around when the parade is happening in your own backyard. And what a parade – Endymion is a super parade with a nine car float that tops the Bacchasarus in size. What a parade! Tin got up on his first ladder and a good time was had by all. God bless New Orleans and the parades – they keep you from getting the blues.



Meanwhile, I wanted to stop packing and schlepping but I knew I couldn’t – look what my horoscope said:
February 09, 2013
Taurus (4/20-5/20)
Do not be afraid to get dirty today — the hard workload ahead of you requires some sweat, and you have all the energy you need to jump in and get some stuff done! It’s important to get as active as you can as quickly as you can — if you act too conservatively or take too long to get going, you will only waste time and waste a good opportunity. This is a day that is chock full of potential, so if you want to achieve some major goals, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get going!

Time is irrelevant

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

I’ve often wondered why it has taken me so long to get to these conclusions in my life. Well, not conclusions per se, more like my life’s framework – there are no conclusions, even at death. Then last night I was watching the penultimate episode on the In Treatment DVD where Paul sees Walter for the first time; Walter, a CEO with all the ticks of a God self-image. And Paul said this:

Paul: It’s not an easy thing, developing self-awareness. Some people say that it’s… a man’s entire life’s work.

So then I tried to remember my mantra to pull myself out of the timeline and enter a more fluid space and time, where it doesn’t matter if you are 50 when you meet your son for the first time, and it doesn’t matter if you are 54 when you reach a new wrung in your spiral, what matters is that it happened.

Going, going, GONE

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
