Tolerance and growing up

I was speaking to a friend in the park the other day and we were lamenting the inability of another friend’s foibles – I said, by now don’t you think she should grow up? And my friend said, “None of us are growing up, we are just growing old.”

I always believed I was an aware person, but truthfully the only way you can be aware is to walk in the shoes of another. After falling in love with Tatjana and then adopting the gay label, suddenly I became aware of all the things that are wrong with the world and all the things that are right. Starting with what’s right – no one flinched, well maybe my brother in prison (ahem), but everyone I know and love just accepted the fact that I am now in love with a woman. End of story.

Then there’s Pastor Warren, who Obama picked to be front and center at the inauguration. A man who compared homosexuality to pedophilia. Why pick him Barack? What message does he have for the world about tolerance? After Prop 8 passed in California, I’ve come to firmly believe the best thing I ever did was get the HELL OUT OF CALIFORNIA. But I digress, the other day we were talking about us raising a child and we came to the realization that we, despite being a Spanish Jew and a Croatian Communist, lesbian couple, adopting a black child in the South, will provide a more loving and stable home than the ones we came from. Now that’s a fact. Pedophilia – puhlease. Get your head out of your ass, Pastor Warren and yours out of the sand, pres-to-be.

Now about growing up – World, it’s time to grow up and grow enlightened.

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