T minus 36 hours

They say you can work out religiously but if you stop for a period of two weeks you will lose it all – the cut, the ripple, the tautness of each muscle – gone, vanished.

A friend of mine asked once, “where does love go?”

No need to question “does absence make the heart grow fonder?” – I know the answer.

This morning, the reality that we have been too long apart is palpable across the globe – no memories of how we kiss? – a moment of routine disrupted produces anxiety, heart-pounding need – this absence will not stand – “get used to it, that is T, she is always leaving, traveling” plays in my mind as I crawl in bed without sending a goodnight email – my head hurts this morning.

I wait for my tea to steep and read the lines taped to the window – YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

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