Carpe Diem

The main reason I ran out to see Gal Holiday last night is this – at dinner Monday night my friend told me that her friend had just died of a heart attack at 49! Yikes, I thought, as Friday I will be 49 – I must seize the day (or the night). The thing about that is this – my dad lived his life in perpetual carpe diem mode – indulging his gypsy urges by dragging his children to and fro to live in hotels all over Central America and moving from city to city in the US. He lived like there was no tomorrow and he died young – 62 – so maybe there was no tomorrow. But isn’t balance better? Or is balance overrated? I swing from pole to pole – I’ll sleep when I’m dead to an intense feeling that I ain’t living long like this. What’s a modern girl to do?

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