Driver’s seat

You are in the driver’s seat of your life, and you’re ready to head toward your destiny.

This came across my screen this morning intended for me. I spent Friday trying to recover from Thursday night and then Saturday trying to get in the swim – verdict, I’m tired, oh so tired. I haven’t heard any real good music other than having sat in on Evan Christopher’s Clarinet Road – I was hoping to see Jewel Brown but she wasn’t on stage at the beginning and we were headed to other parts. I did hear Gal Holiday but from the way back and so wasn’t front and center to enjoy. I heard Tom Petty singing Refugee as I was crawling home. So I’m in the driver’s seat, right, and headed out there today to see if I can find my groove without getting over tired again. I think the musical sacrifice was because the weather was so outstanding – it’s like you can’t have it all.

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