I know I do but…

A good friend who is very attractive told me that I look like a lesbian with my hair short. Another friend told me I should have responded, “I know I am but what are you?”

To which I have this to respond, if your good friend who is attractive tells you your haircut is not attractive on you, I think you pay heed. What did I do? I called my stylist immediately and got an appointment – to actually make it shorter mind you – because I admit and confess that I am simply incapable of styling my own hair. Admit your weaknesses and move onto the next item.


2 Responses to “I know I do but…”

  1. JERRI Says:

    “you look like a lesbian” comment——What is that suppose to mean?
    That you look ugly???? That you look butch? What???? Sounds like your so-called attractive friend is also a stereotyping straight person, and most likely a homophobic female.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Jerri – call it like you see it, you heard?

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