Don’t think in bed

The I Ching master I met with in Shanghai told me to guard against thinking too far in any direction. My brother told me the same thing one time, don’t think so much, honey. I slept well last night, deeply, and woke up in a groggy haze, with the fog still rolling out of the Bay.

The fog is still there, folding up over the East Bay, but it’s not here, where I am. I will set off today with one plan in hand – to relax and enjoy whatever comes my way this fine day. And as for the rest of it, like Scarlett said, there is always tomorrow.

Flower said to me the other day she wanted to listen to the birds singing and feel the sunshine on her face. So do I. I want to take the reigns of the areas I control and be present when it matters and to allow myself to check out when it doesn’t or when I don’t have the ability to change it.

My horoscope today – as usual – right on:

September 30, 2010

  1. TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)

    It’s time to savor the joys that really matter. So slow down and give yourself some space to breathe. Plan a great meal and invite your dearest friends and family along. Whether you’re cooking or gathering everyone together at a favorite restaurant doesn’t matter — what is important is that you can take the time to appreciate the simple joys in life. Those always end up being the most important, anyway.

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