Do I miss you?

T is coming back this Saturday from her 15 day jaunt to Europe. It’s what Europeans do – they jaunt. Meanwhile, she wants to know if I miss her and I have this to say about that: yes, I do. Despite having needed this time alone, I can’t say that Tin needed this time alone or that I would have taken 15 days to be alone with my thoughts. But having said that, yes I do miss her. And when I think of why, I just have to say because she is her and I’m me. I won’t say she is beautiful, because that is such a tired adjective, but I will say that I am drawn to androgyny in such a strong way and I’ve perhaps never met someone who was so equally beautiful and handsome at the same time. I won’t say she’s funny because her sense of humor sometimes borders on downright silly, but even then I laugh. I won’t say that she is smart because, duh, she’s a professor at Tulane for godsakes, but I will say she’s wise in ways while she is completely and utterly naive in other ways. She’s rigid yet she can rally like no one I’ve ever shared my life with before. She’s OCD but I’m ADD, so in some ways we’re highly complimentary. I like her teeth, they are crooked in such a way that I am always happy to catch a glimpse of them like today when we were Skyping and she was coming in real close to the camera. She’s hard headed and sometimes brays like a donkey, but then she did carry my heavy suitcase all around Croatia when my back was tweaked because of that same stubbornness and it was quite comical.

All in all, I’d say, yes, in the end I miss you. So come home.

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