
The key ingredients to a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday:

1) People you want to hang out with:


2) Beautiful weather and sunsets that amaze you:


3) Long walks on the beach with your trusted loved ones (canines included):


4) Seeing the happy faces on the ferry ride home means that we passed us a good time:


4 Responses to “Recharge!”

  1. Cassie Says:

    hi rachel, if looking to adopt is still in the cards for you guys, friends in texas have had much luck with this agency:

  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Cassie, we’ll check it out. We got a call from the same birthmom on Thanksgiving as if nothing had happened. We’re very skeptical right now of what is going to happen but will know soon enough as the birthdate is in a couple of weeks. BTW we have a lot of friends and acquaintances who have had success with agencies, international and domestic as well as lots of people who have had success the route we took – private adoption. It’s just a daunting process. I think of the women who go through IVF with that emotional rollercoaster as well as the money hemorrhage and the toll it all takes. Nutty. But thanks for the reference, we’ll check it out.

  3. Cassie Says:

    i wish you luck. and by way of introduction, since we have never met and are disucssing such personal topics, i used to live in mid city and stmbled on to your blog after katrina. it was such a lovely and heart felt tribute to new orleans, and to the bayou in particular, that i have continued as a frequent reader even after moving back to uptown a couple of years ago. wishing you all the best.

  4. Rachel Says:

    You are in the Isle of Denial!!! Anyway, I appreciate your comments. We’re coping with my mother’s death right now but hope to be able to think more about the bayou and other things in the near future. R

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