Nature versus nurture

Last night, standing in JFK late in the evening, ready to come home, I watched a mother and her son enter the scene, sit down on the floor and begin to interact. The boy wanted his toys and he wanted to dump them all out. She allowed him to pull out a couple of toys. He chose two black sleek airplanes and he wanted her to play with him. He said he wanted to destroy the universe but since he was so young, it sounded more like dithstroy de universh. Then he wanted to destroy her plane. Then he wanted her to fight back with his plane.

At the very same time, in the commotion of everyone waiting for a plane, another mother walked up with her daughter of a similar age. They went and sat by the window and the little girl imitated everything the mother was doing, from tucking her dress under to sit on the floor, to pushing her hair back clumsily with her hand. Then she proceeded to talk almost nonstop to the mother. What is this, what is that?, where is this person, why is that person calling.

A friend sent a link to how men communicate. But what I want to know is as we move more towards enlightenment, does anyone really believe that men and women are actually ever going to understand each other? I hope so, but just puzzled as to if that is possible. But I’m equally puzzled that there is a lot of truth in this article but I didn’t really understand this when I was in the thick of it and when I really could have used this information. It wasn’t that I wasn’t aware of this, it’s just that I didn’t understand it. It took 50 years and three marriages and lots of male interaction to get what the men in my life were all about – I just wish I would have understood them a long time ago, or rather I wish I would have understood who I was a long time ago.

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