Picking the carcass clean

If anyone wants to know – we’re ready.

Good friends who think they have something to tell us that we might not already know have told us that a child is going to change our life. Really, we say, trying to be considerate but thinking to ourselves, why, we never thought of that.

We have gone over and over and over in our minds the pros and cons of being a parent and the one thing that was certain the day we met was that we wanted a child. And we have gone over and over the many ways that might happen, and we realize we are not tied to how or who, but when.

One friends says do IVF, another says she knows a woman who adopted a child who was abandoned in her neighborhood, another says get one from foster care, another says surrogate mother, one says Ethiopia, another says Russia, still others think that China remains open, and I keep thinking one is going to float down the bayou in a basket and we’ll call it Moses.

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