The Man

So P came by to look at my windows at the LaLa and he’s going to take care of them. Then E, the electrician came by, and goodness he is cuter than I even remember, and he looked at the Ventahood and told me what to do. But then, D, came by and he is the man – he totally got the house and knew what was going on and said that all the people I am calling are the right ones – the sheet metal guys, the flashing guys, the deck materials, etc – so we’re going to talk again in two days to see if he will sign on. Meanwhile the other contractor – MIA – what the hell? – it is consumer terrorism and incompetence at best.

There have been pow wows up and down the Can over this dog issue – everyone is writing management to get the dogs out of this building – it’s become some sort of galvanizing incident that has the lesbians on the second floor up in arms – the woman with the big bull mastif talking up a storm with me at each passing – R down the hall with his new little puppy Huey, both such dolls, are beside themselves over this – I keep finding R in the thick of each pow wow. Anyway consensus is the dogs go and maybe even T should go with them. H told me later that he had turned in a letter I had drafted for him – he said “you are very attentive, you remembered everything I told you” and I said “H, you were stoned, I wasn’t.”

L, man of mystery, wants a dinner date this week but I’m going to see about cocktails instead since I have date tomorrow night and leave Friday to spend the weekend with the elephants.

Good session with E – we talked about how Katrina has just made everything exponentially glaring. We had a good hearted talk about how things stand at the moment with contractor, with work, with the house, with S, and all was extremely positive and she said she applauds my progress – hip hip hooray. She just went through her daughter’s high school graduation and said it was the equivalent of a wedding with all the side events that surrounded it and all the out of towners attending.

One of my nieces emailed today with some complicated issues that we went back and forth on – she said “you’re the only one in the family I can talk to about this issue because I know you are nonjudgmental and so liberal” – ha! – of course I was flattered but must admit the “liberal” part of it was like hmm, is this how you girls perceive me – but then figured it could be worse. What’s weird is how grown up she sounded in her email – like, wow, when did that happen? It’s quite amazing to see these kids grow up and have kids and act so grown up – sometimes more than me.

I called the book publisher today about A and my special Katrina project and then tried to find an industrial designer for G and my business venture. One of my colleagues said she is going to try to push for an early sabbatical – I just learned you can only take it in your completed fifth year – which my time is truncated by the fact that I freelanced for a long time before committing to a salaried position and so my start date is only four years ago – meaning it’s not till 2008 that I get my sabbatical – a big WAAAAAH – I want it now too.

Somebody has found the blog and is spamming me big time every day – none too pleasant.

A writes from Australia that she went back and faced J and is done with him before it went anywhere – thankfully – I told her to run run run away from that situation as fast as she could – one of the silver linings of my recent life’s education – I can now proselytize to others about how to stay away from needy men.

From Amy Rigby’s Little Fugitive CD

Needy Men pretend that they got it all under control.
They don’t want to steal your soul, but that’s not true, they do.
Needy men have a yen for making a hen out of a dove, never got their mother’s love, so they want yours, of course.
They’re always calling on the phone.
Wish they could leave well enough alone.
We’ve got too much of our own to deal with, got nothing left to feel with, they’re taking it all.
They want to whisper in your ear. It’s just like looking in the mirror.
We’re living everyday in fear of losing ground while they’re looking around for somewhere to fall.
Needy men intend to work it all out one of these days and in the meanwhile they seek ways to fight the unweak – you and me

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