A passing vision

I was just coming back on my bike from dropping Tin at the American Can when I saw this big blue Buick convertible go by with a man and woman; they were smoking. I watched the woman light her cigarette with a Zippo. The air was breezy and the sky was clear. It was the gloaming – that perfect pitch of light when magic happens.

For just one minute, I wanted to be the girl – the one lighting her cigarette and sprinkling the air with laughter. Leaning over to get a kiss from the hot driver whose breath hopefully smelled of whiskey.

Some moments are made for such visions.


2 Responses to “A passing vision”

  1. MUDD Says:

    OK, I’m in. You got me. I can almost taste the cigarette. And the whiskey. Off to roll myself a joint. What else is there to do?

    Signed: Dreamer

  2. Rachel Says:

    Wish I was there, Mudd.

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