I HEART Young Love

I spent this Jazz Fest weekend with friends in town. A young couple whose wedding I missed last year because we were in Spain. Since I’m approaching my 56th birthday, I’ve forgotten what young love looks and feels like, but after spending a few days around it, I’m amazed at how much I remember about it. Young love holds so much promise.

Young love has all the time in the world to get a bigger place to live, to have babies, to build careers, to travel and most importantly, to be in love. Young love is fearless.

Young love can ignore faults because there is plenty of time to smooth them over, rub them out, ignore them or wait them out as they go away. Young love is blind, deaf and dumb.

Young love looks good on your skin, it smells good on your body, and it makes you always look as if you are about to go to a fabulous dinner party. Young love is vibrant.

Young love is contagious. After being around it for a while, you start thinking you want some of it, you believe you can find it again, and more importantly, you’re sure that young love is what you’re looking for but haven’t found yet. Young love is attractive.

Alas, young love is not for me. I will be turning 56 this week. Mind you, there’s lots of love in my future, but it won’t be young love. I don’t gaze in my crystal ball and imagine building a life with a partner (been there done that), wanting a larger home (sold it), and having babies (check). These were all of the longings of a younger version of myself.

I love young love and I loved having had it in surround sound this weekend. I loved being in the midst of its bright eyes and its bushy tail. I loved seeing hearts in their eyes. I loved hearing them sing their songs. I loved that their love spilled over into every creature that came in contact with them – stray cats, Stella, Heidi, taxi drivers, musicians, strangers, friends. I loved watching them be in love. It was a beautiful site to behold.





4 Responses to “I HEART Young Love”

  1. MUDD Says:

    What a beautiful post, Rachel. – – – Squeezed my heart!

    And YOU… YOU look absolutely gorgeous, girl — you don’t look a year over 40! And the outfit ROCKS.

    You’re in for a fabulous birthday week, for sure.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Mudd – I can’t wait to see what this revolution around the sun entails. Right now it entails me getting my butt in gear to go see Joan Armatrading – life is sweet.

  3. MUDD Says:

    OMG… Joan Armatrading!!! I saw her — drumroll — in 1978. LOVE her. Happy concert!

  4. Rachel Says:

    It was a beautiful thing Mudd – each song a collection from my relationship history.

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