Cheaters – 4, Monogamist – 0

In just this past week, I’ve had three couples I know announce they are splitting up and the culprit – infidelity. One couple was together 18 years, one 10 years, and one four years. This makes my three months with Sty seem superficial and trite before I found out he was stepping out.

I have a very good friend who is polyamorous and who believes that human beings cannot be monogamous. But I beg to differ. I think monogamy may not be a natural or biological impulse, but it is a societal one.

The issue here that I can’t wrap my mind around is in a couple, there is a call for monogamy, a demand for it, an understanding of it, and in the case with me and Sty, these were the marching orders – coming from him. Two of my friends who have always been cheaters are upset because their significant others were caught cheating. What? I say if you want an open marriage – have one, if you want polyamory – go for it, but if you want and demand monogamy, then uphold your end of the bargain or declare that the bargain is off.

With all the breaking up, lying and cheating that has happened this week alone, I’m here to say my head won’t stop spinning. #who’sonfirst

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