You’re Gay

The other day, Tin said to me, “You’re gay,” and I said, “Actually I’m bisexual.”

He said, “You’re gay, Mommy,” and I said, “You know it’s not nice to say that because it’s none of your business what anyone’s sexuality is.” I reminded him his friend’s parents are gay and how would they feel if they heard him saying something that might hurt their feelings.

I’m not sure where he heard “you’re gay” or even to say it in that tone, but I can bet at school and it’s interesting that someone said it to him, a boy with two mothers, and he doesn’t even know what gay means. But I’m sure the way it was intended was not as a statement but rather as a slight.

Today, an organization ran an ad in the New York Times that was on point. We both read it to him, even though, he doesn’t really get what gay actually means now, but he will one day and he will recognize that telling someone they’re gay in that tone is heterosexism at its dumbest.


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