A nice run darkly

Last night, I met S on the footbridge and we went for a nice long run in preparation for the cemetery run on Sunday. Makes a big difference to run at night with a big guy running next to you. I didn’t think about my safety at all. I remember trying to explain to TL a while back why I wouldn’t take his bike route through City Park – because it positioned me in an isolated, undefendable position. He didn’t get it – his response was, “you’re on your bike, you can ride away?” I don’t think men think about what women think about in these situations – women are targets and hey, vulnerable given the difference in body strength – we’re not making this up or trying to be demure for no good reason. Safety is a concern.

At the end of our run, we plucked some citrus fruit from the trees growing in the Pitot’s garden. It is some sort of hybrid between an orange, satsuma and grapefruit – extraordinarily refreshing after our nice run. Then last night, I slept the sleep of the dead on all hallow’s eve – ready to trick and treat today.

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