The Hand of God

I’ve been pretty upset about this Food Stamp debacle that Congress has presented to us. I can’t imagine what would go on in anyone’s head that would think at a time when this country cannot feed all of its children – 22% live below the poverty line – that it would even consider cutting $40 billion out of this program.

I spent the morning sending a tweet to each of the 271 Republicans who voted for this shameful act. They sicken me. We are talking about feeding the poor, for godsakes, where is your soul, people?

Simultaneously, I had been watching Season 1 and 2 of Scandal, which is all about the machinations of Washington DC, while I was reading Annie Lamott’s Operating Instructions about the first year of her son’s life.

The juxtaposition of all of this information left my mind swirling and my heart aching.

As I tweeted each of those Republicans – I saw their faces – majority male, and all white, and they looked like the enemy. The freaking enemy! I had to just back away from the ledge because my animosity was mounting.

I’m not a bleeding heart liberal, unless it comes to kids, and for them – cutting the food stamp program? Why?

Evil, petty, racist assholes – each and everyone of them and I am going to back away from the ledge right now because I do believe Fortuna’s Wheel is already turning. By 2043, whites will be a minority, and whoever is breeding white children today, you better hope that people of color show your prodigy mercy — there is going to be hell to pay for your sins of today – keep that in mind.


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