Read Fest

Well Voodoo Fest sounds like it is in my backyard and a neighbor said he was rousted from his bed this morning as Metallica warmed up. All I can say is I tried, in the same vein that I tried Jazz Fest, but what I crave and want is Museum Fest, Book Fest, or Theater Fest because I’m not finding my groove with all these music fests.

I feel like Goldie Locks at the Fest – Jazz Fest is too big, Voodoo Fest is too young, and I can’t find the fest that feels just right.

How can you wake up and feel so different as if none of what happened before happened? I don’t know where that person is who could do fest after fest, but whoever she was, she ain’t der no more.

2 Responses to “Read Fest”

  1. Graham da Ponte Says:

    I remember one day a couple of years ago Tatjana and I were discussing age, and she said in her forties she was finding herself saying goodbye to things. I pushed back, saying when I was in my forties I said hello to things more than goodbye. I have to say, though–my fifties have been all about goodbye.

    You, however, my sweet, amazing friend–you may be saying goodbye to music fests, but in the second half of your life you have embraced more new things than I did in the first half of mine. I am inspired.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Well that’s reassuring Graham. I’m not saying goodbye to sharing a bottle of wine with a friend – this week?

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