Blog Her

A few years ago someone told me they had read an article from BlogHer which said you should post at least five times a day to maintain a healthy blog. I’m not sure if a) Blogher said it, b) it was actually five times a day, or c) why I have tried to adhere to this tenet for as long as forever.

Today, I was watching a video interview with Lisa Stone, the cofounder of BlogHer, who was advocating blogging about life, and I have to ask myself why I feel validated by someone I don’t know telling me that showing up for nine years to write about my life is beyond me.

But such is life and the slippery slope of validation.

And I wondered if there aren’t weird patterns going on in my life because I have been reading how Chrysler is going to have this Superbowl commercial dissing Ford and that has riled me and Lisa Stone was talking about how some bloggers write about what they like or use, and she just happened to mention Ford, and I just happened to have pulled off the internet four Ford badges just this morning so what better time to post them and for those who ilke to say FORD stands for Found On Road Dead, I say read my lips Follow Our Real Destiny (America) – to be the greatest car builders in the world.

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