Find that real you, fast

I met last night with two intelligent and creative people who are at the cusp of sprouting wings. How they are doing this is by the seat of their pants. One is helping the business world go paperless, with a little help from some online tools such as,,

What we all agreed on is in this brave new world the best asset you can have is to be authentic. And that’s not easy to do. To be authentic, you must have conviction that your unique voice and talents make a difference to others. So just showing up is no longer good enough. As Thomas Friedman writes about in this article, average is no longer good enough.

For those of us in our late forties and fifties, marching orders are to work towards the expression of our talents (learned and innate), but for children maybe it’s time to reconsider the cookie cutter education children are receiving in schools that educate to standardized test rituals. Imagine American schools teaching and guiding children towards their authentic self.

The Waldorf School teaches a child just this – to grow from within, to develop executive function, to ignite creativity, and to open their eyes to the world that is around them. I can’t imagine a better way to arm your child for a future where average is no longer good enough and everyone must be able to radiate and leave a unique stamp on this world.

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