Little man

Tin has been sick the past couple of days and last night had a fever – he was so mellow and cuddly that we both kept taking a double take on him. I certainly like his little active self even if he is hard to cuddle. This morning he was cracking up and saying, “I’m funny,” to which I told him, if you do say so yourself.

Then I saw a good friend of mine who is quite attractive who told me my hair makes me look like a lesbian. A friend said you should have responded, “I know I am but what are you?


2 Responses to “Little man”

  1. Alice Says:

    What would she think of my hairstyle I wonder! And what would be the point of such an observation I wonder?

  2. Rachel Says:

    T wasn’t too pleased with the observation either – and I think beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I’ve never had those kind of looks that attracted the masses, but I’ve had those kind of looks that attracted genuine admirers. Which would you prefer?

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