The days of wine and carpenters

M brought me a bottle of wine today – a peace offering because he is sketchy about the details last Saturday night at La Vita – he asked me if I am mad at him – I said no, but I also didn’t fill in the blanks.

Steve arrives tomorrow and I’m trying hard to get the house ready for him and to say the least none of it is going well – the valance sucks (I almost took it down myself), the porch was sanded and painted this evening and the next coat goes on – um – about the time he arrives.

I came up to do some work and the doorbell rang – well the doorbell in my office – because the doorbell to the house which plays who shot the lala is being fixed. I panicked because I hadn’t put up a barricade for the front and it had just been painted – sure enough I got down there and K’s size 13 feet where standing there with a bottle of wine – he’d come by to tell me how much he appreciates me.

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