Krakow Bound

They’re finally picking up the trash around here and the weather is ideal and so it must be time to leave, no? Poland will be a diversion for sure and in the meanwhile trash will be picked up, Lilli Belle will come home, and we’ll proceed with the next chapters. Last night reading Lemony Snicket to W, his grandmother (Judie) called and he was excited to speak with her and between talking to her like a little adult and alternating to a five-year-old thumb sucker – the changes were so vast and now they just become exponential.

I’m being sent off with longing and Krakow offers a respite from the gnawing.

Rocked Lilli Belle last night in her little burrito wrapping – N says the nurses say she is a quiet baby – her flush on her face is strawberry. And her fingers and toes are so long. The size of her feet looked like a toddler’s. Already more than she should be.

Time to attend to business.

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