Archive for June, 2013

The Balancing Act

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

I knew these days would be challenging and every turn has reinforced it. Jet Blue canceling my flight to my gal’s trip, Officer Badge #6 giving me a ticket as I drove away from my retreat where I had been in noble silence for 48 hours, and along the way once again dealing with those people who will do things around your house.

My take away from the retreat was that I had fallen so in love with the LaLa (the dream of it) that I clung to it fiercely afraid to lose it and then what was supposed to give me joy gave me pain. There was no way to bow out gracefully, I had to leave.

Shit happens every day – every moment – but if you train your being to notice the magic, you eventually begin to expect magic and you see magic and magic happens. The mind is not all of who you are and you have some control over its meandering and habitual patterns.

I don’t like moving.

I love my new house.

As if these few weeks didn’t have enough to keep me busier than a body should be, a big surprise report was thrown in my lap that has caused me to speak in monosyllabic sentences and lose all track of time and thoughts.

I am looking forward to rest, which is coming very soon. Sunday I move out of the apartment on Grand Route St. John – saying goodbye to my weigh station where I was able to check a lot of baggage and transcend the curve balls – I was flying like a Jedi knight without even realizing it – and now in retrospect I see with my entire being that I am the master of my universe.

Ojai breath. The ocean breath. Did I mention that hurricane season started anew on June 1st?