Graham’s Dream

G called early this morning – said she had waited for an appropriate time because she had awakened at 5:30AM this morning in tears over a horrific nightmare about me. In her nightmare, we were at a wedding. I was in the wedding party and she was a guest. Everyone was outside waiting for the ceremony to begin. She asked where I was and someone said the reason we were waiting was because Rachel is in the building with Nick and V. G was confused as to why, what was happening; she got nervous. Someone told her we were having a disagreement. The person said, “the wife wants a diamond ring.” G said that doesn’t sound right. Then a speaker said Wade had gone in to calm things down. The speaker said W has a special link to Rachel. G started towards the building and someone blocked her and said “no, they’re all dead, it was a murder suicide.” G said she fell to her knees wailing and suddenly my life flashed in front of her and questions such as who would care for Arlene? clouded her grief.

It took her a long time to shake the dream and then she thought she knew it’s origin – she had talked to her neighbor about watching her dogs and it made her think of and miss Lark – the woman who was killed in a supposed love triangle middle of last year. When I first returned to New Orleans, I remember going to the Tuesday green market and having my knives sharpened. The guy had a dog under his table and someone recognized it as his daughter’s. The woman who was killed in the love triangle.

Since I have such representational dreams I thought about what G’s might mean – on an obvious level, it represents the death of four (five counting S) friendships, in Jungian terms the amplification of the dream would be first G’s relationship to me, she could fear losing my friendship; the events might signify a troubled past – mine – of which her history of this trouble means loss – losing Lark – who was on her mind when she went to bed – the culmination was G trying to take care of practical matters – who would watch Arlene if I was gone? Who would watch her dogs if she was gone? All valid.

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