The rise and fall of the absurd

When my mother was living I told her to let me take out a life insurance policy on her so that I could pay her burial costs. That never happened but she did manage to hang onto a small policy that paid about two-thirds of my half of her burial. Now with other costs arising that involve structurally making the grave sound for eternity (my aunt dumped a bunch of sand on it to keep it from sinking) I was faced with a new cost. But then I got the call out of the blue about her insurance policy that she had with an old job. So they sent me the paperwork and I filled it out and today I received the check.

$15.36 for overpayment of her premium.

I opened the envelope and just had to laugh. Such are the things of life. Meanwhile when you don’t live right by your mom’s grave, you can’t be there to add dirt to it, to mow it, to make sure the flowers are just so. And keep the grave you must. I thought when I got that call that it was a blessing, a gift in disguise, instead it was a poignant reminder of how life is always filled with the absurd as well as grace.

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