Capital R – y/our Responsibility

Corporate responsibility

Odwalla started out with a good program, fresh juice but then it wanted to be huge and next thing you know e coli happens. The eggs from Iowa are being recalled as I write – but investigative reporters like Michael Pollan are exposing the absurdity of buying eggs from far away lands and making shoppers like me smarter. BP’s corporate responsibility flew out the door when the oil spill crisis happened and now I don’t know a person who can ever think good thoughts about this company that was once at the top of their game.

Social responsibility

And after the federal government said it was okay for corporations to give political dollars any way they want this past January, Target decided to back an anti-gay politician – guess what the people heard (be sure to watch the video clip of the protest).

Our responsibility

And what about Pakistan with the floods – these people are in dire straights and from what we are hearing the response is not happening fast or large enough to make a difference. People don’t know enough, because if they did they’d care enough, and send money RIGHT NOW  – I made my donation to Doctor’s Without Borders. A good place to start. ANY PERSON IN LOUISIANA OR THE GULF SOUTH WHO HAS TEN DOLLARS ARE MORE SHOULD SEND PAKISTAN A DONATION – IT’S OUR TURN TO PAY BACK THE WORLD FOR THEIR AID.

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