And the answer is….

With the envelope figuratively at my temple I must return again to this one wonderous fact – who matters, not what – we are living through some interesting times – right in the thick of rapid developments, considerable game changers, epic strains that require heroic solutions, and uncertainty – don’t forget uncertainty – but buckled into this roller coaster ride comes facts that haven’t changed since first recorded history and those are: a) if you have someone who loves you, they have your back (read: they bring you a dozen roses when you are on the ledge); b) your child’s smile is a beacon that cast light on your troubled mind and makes the hoary shadows puny and ridiculous; c) anything in your life not made of flesh and blood is 99.9% expendable and not worth the stress.

It’s amazing with all the progress we have made, these are central tenets that have remained constant and bullet proof.

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