Who will they be?

Friends of mine in California said that they used to know a child who they called Rotten Rachel. Rotten Rachel was a holy terror of misery and then suddenly she turned 14 and became a delightful young adult and has grown up to be a person you would want to know. No one knows why she was a terror or why when most kids are becoming a terror she became nice. It’s a puzzle.

Ruby was walking by yesterday and stopped to see Tin. I was flying out the door to go talk to a friend about my 1900000th nervous breakdown. Tin picked up his flute (that he actually was able to blow for the first time yesterday – a product of learning to blow in swimming lessons) and he looked as if he wanted to serenade this little girl who used to like nothing more than to hit him upside the head. So while Mommy was entering the whirling blades of anxiety, these two munchkins seemed to be finding their groove.


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