Bayou babe

Our friend, Marc Pagani came over to photograph Tin today and he was a little porky ham for the camera. Then came aunties of all stripes with books and then an uncle driving by with a nicely wrapped gift. Thankfully for Tin – whose mommies are Jewish and Atheist – three wise aunts and uncles gave him gifts to open on Christmas morning.

In the middle of all of this  – a wide colorful rainbow appeared in the sky and wrapped around from east to west and we took Tin out of his highchair to see it, but he couldn’t understand the commotion, no more than he could understand all the commotion over him. Little does he comprehend that his arrival on the scene of the LaLa has stirred up stuff – emotions – desires – love among more than his moms.

A little bitty baby boy fighting his nap in his crib right now from another day of over-stimulation who has no clue that he’s being raised by not just two women, but a tribe that is as colorful and vibrant as a Mardi Gras Indian costume on Super Sunday.

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