Don’t cry for me

I outfitted Tin in the Moby wrap and he, Loca and I went for a walk into the park again. We were making our way to the wind chimes when a woman with a big moppy dog who laid down in the middle of the path to play with Loca tripped us up. Loca wasn’t in the mood – she was overbearing because she could tell the dog was submissive. And so I was trying to get Loca to leave it and hold Tin’s head so it wasn’t being whipped around and I said to the woman, “Sorry.”

And she furrowed her brow and frowned and said, “No, it’s you I’m sorry for having to juggle the dog and the baby all at once.”

I gave her a puzzled look and said, “Oh, I’m great.”

And I mean it.

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