The great F word

I just walked back from the LaLa where I told K to fuck off. Ever since he came back he can’t open his mouth without saying something negative. Talking to B about the siding he said well it might leak but then again this whole house has leak problems. That was a few days ago and I corrected him and told him the house had been standing sound and sure longer than he has been alive so to stop with the negative. Today he said I needed to get a door knob for the metal door and S said it’s just a normal door knob and he said “there is nothing normal about this house” and I said “an asshole as usual” and he said “takes one to know one” and I said “fuck off.”

Then I came back to a missive from someone who has insulted me for the last time and I told her to fuck off.

So let me tell you – “fuck off” is the best phrase invented in the world – use it or lose it. It reminds me of my friend D who said never miss a honking opportunity when you’re in your car – never miss an opportunity to tell people to fuck off when they are annoying the fuck out of you.

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