Scaling the mountain

Last night was one of the first in the season to be able to sleep with the windows open – a crisp coldish breeze was blowing in all night. I drove Blue to Metairie to bring it in for the brakes then rode my bike uptown for Pilates and back to MidCity to start work in earnest. Ford said they need to keep the truck for possibly two or more days – it’s what I hate about Veterans Ford – they always take so long to do anything. And I thought Ford had revamped their cars and made them more dependable – what’s with an alternator going dead within six months and brakes going out after less than a year? Shame on you Ford, you have enough headaches with competion from Toyota, you should not be manufacturing crap.

G called to say she had listed her house on Craig’s List and is ready to relocate to New York. If the LaLa wasn’t an anchor around me right now, I’d move there with her.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I held a post mortem with my peeps on Yahoo and sent a note to sales through gritted teeth. Yahoo will rise again but like I said it will be too little too late after the beating it has had.

I had an interesting exchange from one of my blog readers. It’s interesting to me how many women out there relate to my situation – it makes me feel more connected to my sisters at large knowing some have succumbed or are trying not to succumb to the same weaknesses of the flesh and the fantasies of the mind that plague me.

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