Don’t waste this opportunity

I was driving out to Metairie today on my way to see Abby with a pair of tiny shoes with mermaids on them in a bag next to me and my mind was in full gear after a good night’s rest – then memory flashes began going off in the rat-a-tat-tat fashion of a semi automatic and I was overwhelmed by sadness, grief, and joy competing for my attention – all in a matter of a few seconds on the I-10. Sometimes I wonder when the sadness will just find a resting place.

Here are some sayings to get me through the day – week – year:

Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out. Katherine Dunham

Each moment is a place you’ve never been. Mark Strand

Two or three things I know for sure…and one of them is what it means to have no loved version of your life but the one you make. Dorothy Allison

It’s never too late–in fiction or in life–to revise. Nancy Thayer

Life is demanding of me, “Start again. Begin new things. Again set to work to build your world.” Jean Toomer

We are here, charged with the task of completing (one might say creating) ourselves. William Cook.

My niece L called to say I should have come back over – I left when other company arrived to give everyone time to visit – Abby has so many people around – an entire village, ney a universe, that loves her so much and all she had to do was show up – is that lucky or what? It makes me think that there is some child out there who was not born lucky who might need something I have to give. My friend L and I in California started to adopt a poor child through school – to clothes him or her – but we ended up sponsoring a group instead – getting a rug for the reading room, etc. – I think I need to look again at philantropy in the area of kids. All children deserve a fighting chance.

Our visions begin with our desires. Audre Lorde

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Frank Lloyd Wright

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