Rather be dead, then red on the head

I went to see Scott at Jupiter Salon and after 16 years of being a semi natural redhead, I had him change my hair color. It’s going to be a transition to get the red out and go back to my natural color, which is anyone’s guess at this point, but somewhere along the lines of a dirty blonde.

I was getting a massage a few weeks ago when I made the decision. I had five things I wanted to do for my birthday – have a party, go to Jazz Fest, take a spiritual trip, invite my mother’s to lunch to thank her for my birth, and do something that I never thought I’d do. People suggested I jump out of a plane (NO WAY), or get a tattoo, or take singing lessons.

As I was on the massage table and it had just come to me, I told L that I had been thinking about my red hair and how I was brought up in a household of beautiful women – my mother, my sister, and then sister in laws – mostly blondes. Blondes blondes blondes. I decided I should be a redhead because I wanted to be unique. I felt my red hair made me special.

I told L, now nearing the 50 year mark, I don’t think I need red hair to be unique anymore.

She welled up and said she was so proud of me:

But I digress, look at this cut – I went in for a change in color and got a fabulous cut as well. I saw a friend later who knows Scott and she said WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GREAT CUT and I said, Jupiter.

2 Responses to “Rather be dead, then red on the head”

  1. Alice Says:

    You look marvelous and unique whatever color hair you decide suits you. It’s all up to you. If you’ve learned that, then you’re close to all grown up–like me at almost 67!

  2. Rachel Says:

    Well, then you are my hero. It is amazing to me how long it has taken me to become self actualized – I thought I was there at 40 but nooooooo, I was no where near where I needed to be.

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