What does Tanja think?

I was talking to some friends and neighbors on the bayou the other evening and said I was working on getting rid of some 10 pounds that were clinging to my middle for dear life. One said, “Well, what does Tatjana think?” And I said, “About what?” And he said, “If she likes you with those ten pounds then what do you care?”

Last night, we ran into a friend going through a divorce – she’s thinner – she said, yeah, I don’t recommend this diet. And I said, yeah, well look at me and I patted my round 6-months pregnant looking stomach.

I seem to gain weight in stressful times. When I was going through my divorce I got fat. I was fat for all three weddings. I eat in times of stress. There has been a lot of stress in my life due to market conditions (not to mention aborted adoptions, mother woes, doggy dilemmas). I’d rather not focus on whether T thinks I’m fat or not and focus on how I feel – and I feel like I want to lose these cling-on pong pounds asap. Can I lose ten pounds by my pool party in two weeks?

Most likely not – but I have started adding running a few days a week, spin class on Saturday, and plan to conquer each one of these pounds in my own way, in my own time. And you know what? T might not love me better, but I’ll be styling in my clothes that are waiting for me in my closet.

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