Choices become us

Kierkegaard said “We create ourselves by our choices.”

And how that works with the rest of what you know is this: everyday if you are a sentient, thoughtful, functioning human being, you are asking yourself if what you are doing in life as the master plan is meaningful, then you are toiling over your decisions to do this or that, your friendships and relationships to family, your productivity at work, your end game – you’re asking this question, “Have I done the best I could?” And somedays you say blech, I’m shit, and some days you say, Men Love Me, Women Love Me. But most of the times you feel like you are treading a thin tightrope between meaningful and meaningless and a reaction that is either wow or what the fuck?

We create ourselves by our choices. I want to be a better me, but I’m constantly amazed at how vulnerable and fragile I can be when pounding my chest to an audience of apes. I choose to not be so unknowing, so unaware, so reactive and yet, I’m me every time I look in the mirror. I’m me.

One Response to “Choices become us”

  1. Alice Says:

    You hit the nail on the head. I feel this way lots of times. Doesn’t get easier or different just because you get older.

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