long day’s journey into the night

I got my lab results and for the first time in a year my thyroid levels have normalized. I can’t point to one thing that made that happened, but I can point to everything.

I went through the last many hours in a seminar on unlearning racism, the end of which has left me emotionally depleted.

Along the way, several new people stepped into my world, and each of them was bearing a gift.

Tonight, it’s time to lay my weary head down and say thanks.

2 Responses to “long day’s journey into the night”

  1. Alice Says:

    I like the new you I have just spent the last half hour or so catching up on. You sound so much more centered.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Alice – this too shall pass. Well, what I meant is that I don’t know where centered left off and chaos took over and then centered came back but I can say without a doubt I’m not freaking out. If that helps?

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