The best way to approach Mondays

I have yet to have a Monday that wasn’t fraught with an escalating to do list and a bad habit of sudden guilt over so much to do and so not wanting to do it. I broke the day up with a swim that was fabulous. While I was in the pool, a friend came by on her way to yoga – we haven’t seen each other in a bit, and she hasn’t seen me bald. She used to do my hair – she’s a talented hair dresser who has traveled with big stars and she used to come by my house and blow dry my thick wavy hair into a tamed locks. Oh, those were the days.

I asked her what’s up and she said absolutely nothing. She had been traveling so much as a star stylist. She said, “I guess it’s not my time to be traveling right now.” And I said, I know what you mean, it’s my time to be swimming – after decades of high maintenance Stevie Nicks quality hair, I’m free to swim whenever.

I got back to my desk and had stacks everywhere of unfinished projects and I approached my desk with a much better perspective. It’s my time to swim. It’s my time to read. It’s my time to enjoy my life.

Mondays can be fun days.

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