Bounty hunters and bounty finders

I was speaking to a photographer who has been doing a lot of New Orleans stories lately and her last was about bounty hunters that she said had her going into areas and filming the poorest parts of this city. She said the poor were barely hanging on here before and now they are even worse. She said this is the story that doesn’t come out about New Orleans now. And I thought great – now GQ is about to run an article lambasting the backasswardness of New Orleans. Isn’t poor a problem in this whole country? Wasn’t it a problem when Bush Jr first became president and started sending all our resources overseas?

There is a lot of talk lately that there are a couple of bands of kids – from 6 to 10 years old – that are roaming the neighborhood with no parental supervision. Apparently these kids are living in abandoned houses and that they were separated from adults during Katrina and now they band together to take care of each other and for security but they are on the streets unsupervised. Is this true?

In the middle of my bounty are there children under my nose that are living off the streets – this seems so far fetched – but bears investigation to see if there is any veracity to this subject.

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