Plan A

A moment of peace and quiet where I can sit in Nanc’s kitchen and go online and actually even get cell phone reception – a rare day. S found a sweet apartment in the Quarter on Dumaine and has set up office and home there. Meanwhile I’ve rearranged the can to meet my work specs. Now if only they would get internet there – 4-6 weeks has been the mantra. The city is up and down, sometimes seems to be making strides – like garbage pick up and then the next day you go without mail for four days in a row – so baby steps.

Got a missive from C today and probably the thing that stuck the most was her last line which said “let the people who love you take care of you” – now that is certainly something that I need to chew up and digest. In the meantime, getting ready to go on a getaway that is all about doing something for me that doesn’t involve seeing clients, family or taking care of someone else. So trying to put her advice and others into practice. I’m not going to change my stripes and suddenly not be a pleaser, but I can certainly make room for people who want to please me in my life.

K called yesterday and is calling back at 3 today to talk to me about how she can’t get L out of her mind despite having moved in with T and “being happy.” L has been going through existential angst that only seems remedied by the flirtation of a dalliance – which he seems to be getting an abundance of that with A and S in the wings.

I guess the thing to consider here is what now? Get the La La done is the highest agenda item, get mom into the Can is up there on high priority, and then start investigating moments of delight and joy that will lead me back to routine and work order. The heart has been stretched and stomped but it is resilient and just needs some massaging right now to get it pumping the correct doses of blood.

We’re having a cold snap right now and everyone seems to welcome it and be ready to say adios to the balmy – but the other day, overcast and around 80, was so deliciously wonderful that I say give me that. The smells are still rampant in some parts of the city. I was driving home from the gym in the 80 degrees the other day and was assaulted at one stop sign where a pile of trash had been sitting for months. Food is still hard to come by but Terranova opened this Monday and that brought cheers of Hallelujah back to the neighborhood. I went today and got some green onion sausage and told them repeatedly how great it is to see them again.

I welcome 2006 as S said, it can’t be worse than 2005, oh I guess it could be, but let’s hope it isn’t. Of course we will all be holding our breath as July approaches and the return of hurricane season.

While I’ve been away the Muse has been so forthcoming in insight and yet here I am now unable to recall or pen just one of those poignant thoughts.

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