The Mysterious Money Tree

I can’t tell you how many times people have made reference to the LaLa as a money pit – well after 22 months I came back to the house to find a beautiful tree sitting on top of my dining room table. It was a big mystery. I thought Graham brought it. But she said no then when she came over she searched it entirely for a note.

Late that night, when I was walking around the house in the dark (except for the red glow from the motion lights, which NEVER go out) I noticed the tree and wondered again who brought it.

I told my mom about the tree and she said, “Pin some one dollar bills to it and call it a money tree!” She’s always full of good, practical ideas.

So today mystery was solved – TL dropped it off when I was on one of my interminable runs to the Can (I have one left – a few pantry items) – so the tree is the first living thing to enter this area – and I think, foolish as it may be, I might pin one dollar bills to the leaves.

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