Waking up from the dream

Yesterday was a blur of activity trying to get the house in some sort of presentable shape to host its first party this morning. The Mardi Gras Marathon’s 10 mile mark is right in front and friends were coming by to have mimosas and breakfast. About 7:30PM Robinson, who was over to put in speakers, said there was no way I could get the house ready in the shape it was in – boxes everywhere, stuff all over the place – and I said, you just don’t know me.

By 9:00, Graham had gone off to get two large pizzas, I was thinking I should doubt myself, and Beth and Kerry were headed over with Jeri to have some wine. By 9:45, I had Graham cleaning the front door windows, and I was running to the Can with a load of empty boxes to take to the dumpster, and running upstairs to get my Ipod because Robinson failed to come through while I did what I set out to do.

After everyone left, around midnight as I was cleaning wine glasses, Jeri, who lives one house over, brought me a cup of brown sugar (since I hadn’t gotten back to the Can to get a few things, sugar being one of them. Then I ran a bath and I got in and soaked and swam around. I tried every position and decided that I didn’t want to get out but if I stayed in I might drown from falling asleep – since I had been up since 2AM on Friday morning.

Someone had suggested getting arm floaties for just these occasions.

Anyway, at 5AM Sunday morning, I ran to the Can to get white sugar, since I didn’t have that or butter. And I began the breakfast makings – a big pot of oatmeal, Terranova’s green onion sausage on the grill (which when I got a look at the condition of that grill I realized I need a new one – after dragging it all over the place and living with it in my living room at the Can), buttermilk biscuits, pears and Stilton, blueberries, and champagne and OJ and coffee (new coffee pot secured at CC’s the day before – the exact one I was looking for – Capresso – it gets the water the hottest).

Then rescue the chairs from the shed and dust them off – and WALA! – the first guest arrived and I poured a mimosa and we proceeded to watch the first runner go by around 8AM – running 6 minute miles. My neighbors put up a sign that said you are about to take a turn for the worse and then offered the runners, beer, cigarettes and hot dogs.

It was a gorgeous day – and then everyone left around 1PM and I washed all the dishes and laid on the couch and I fell asleep and suddenly a man was standing in the living room – it was George, from Elegant Exteriors coming by to talk about the front yard. Groggily, I walked around with him outside and we talked about the yard, and then he left and I went back to the couch and the next thing I knew Vivian Lee was screaming for Tara on the television set and I woke up to find the sun in my eye, Arlene crashed by the open front door, and a strange feeling that I have lived in this house my whole life.

2 Responses to “Waking up from the dream”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Hi – I’ve been telling folks up here in Ottawa, Canada, and elsewhere about that “Turn for the Worse”. Put a big smile on my face for a quarter mile. Your neighbours are hilarious. This Canadian won’t soon forget mile 10 of the Mardi Gras weekend. Looks like a tradition in the making….

  2. Rachel Says:

    Did you run? I had a lot of fun watching from the porch. And a couple of people actually did take a cig and smoke it.

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