Let’s make it a day just like today

Well for some reason someone forget to tell Old Man Weather that it is winter and Hanukkah and people are Christmas shopping because it is in the 80s outside and simply gorgeous. My mother’s family is headed across the lake to have lunch here today and the Pitot House is having a craft and book sales on the lawn and my next door neighbor is throwing a party for his significant other’s birthday and has invited Evan Christopher and John Rankin to play.

Let us praise great days. But instead of getting flustered about all the things I might have done to prepare for today I’m going to try a new direction – relax and enjoy.

Here’s my horoscope:

December 04, 2010

  1. TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)

    Making everyone happy is too much of a responsibility for anyone, so don’t expect so much from yourself. Each individual is responsible for his or her own happiness, and you can’t take on that task — especially today. You’ve been good at doing what you are told and following instructions, but right now you need to make up a few rules of your own. You know better than anyone else what needs to be done. Despite the conflicts, this will be a very relaxed day — your vision is cool and clear.

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