Tis the season to be jolly

I feel like a fog lifted and right now I’m in fairy land – so I’m going to go with this feeling for a while.

BTW: We ate at Italian Barrel and I have to say I am not a fan of Italian restaurants anywhere except Italy but this one is a keeper – the food is as I say to Tin DEEEEE LISHHH US. Highly recommend.

3 Responses to “Tis the season to be jolly”

  1. Alice Says:

    I find this so interesting. This wouldn’t be a start-up of the Italian version of a Cracker Barrel could it? I don’t mean that as an insult, because I remember years and years ago when when CB first started, they were pretty darn good for the money, and one of the few places you could eat inexpensively and still get vegetables when traveling. So if I ever see one, based also on your recommend, you can bet I’ll try it out. Sounds like Tin may be getting quite a vocabulary!

  2. Rachel Says:

    I remember the old days of Cracker Barrel and the club sandwiches at Howard Johnson’s on our road trips very well Alice. The woman who runs this restaurant is a solo act though – she is from Verona and her mother makes the lasagna and wont even give her the recipe (we think she is taking it to her grave). She plans to expand if she can by maybe four tables because right now she is going to be open 3 years next year and it is like most restaurants of this size a labor of love – it would be nice to have that and a little cash too.

  3. Alice Says:

    I hope she makes it. I just went to an open-house for a new start-up small eating place with catering on the side. The food was absolutely wonderful, and I’m just hoping they make some money soon. The city is giving them all kinds of hassles besides. Hope New Orleans treats its service people better.

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