Accentuate the positive

Dr. John has a great song where he says, Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative. When I was catching up with a long-time friend who I haven’t spoken with in years, he said he was working on himself and his relationship and he didn’t put any end goal on it – as in, it is all good, it was more like I’m just being honest with myself and those I love and we’ll see where we go with this. He sent me this:

Attitudes and Limitation

To a large extent, the way we think determines who we are and what happens to us.

We cannot harbor poisonous thoughts without their effects visibly showing in our lives. If we dwell on our inadequacy and ineffectiveness, for example, circumstances will prove us correct because we will invite self-defeating events to us.

On the other hand, replacing destructive thoughts with hope-filled, optimistic ones brings peaceful and confidence-producing circumstances to us. We will radiate competence and joy.

Today I will make it a habit to continually replace pessimistic thoughts with optimistic ones. I will dwell on what is uplifting so that I may increase my courage and confidence as well as better my circumstances.

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