This is not a coincidence

Tuesday – went to yoga and Michele talked about how everything we experience we do through the lens of our own experience and so when someone reacts a certain way that they are doing it through a completely different lens and that we need to take that into consideration to possible understand let alone communicate with all the various personalities that come our way. Came home to a Facebook post by a friend who said: Administruation (n.) hormone induced lack of tolerance for total lack of co-workers’ competence. Usually requires taking a deep breath, waiting an hour, and rereading draft of email before pressing send. “Delay of email due to administruation.”

Thursday: went to yoga and Catherine was talking about getting in touch with our prana or vital force and how you know how it is when you wake up on a day where you are about to take a trip or go somewhere that you are excited about and you wake just giddy and excited, but then on other days you can barely get out of bed. Wouldn’t it be great to start your days with that sort of life’s force? I woke this morning at 6 and got out of bed at 7:30 – late late late – but I couldn’t face the day, it felt like Monday or it felt like I had already done too much and what I had to do was get up, run with Loca, work, do yoga, blah blah blah. Tomorrow, when I first open my eyes I’m going to look for my prana.

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