The habit of art

My cyber friend underwent a cancer scare and stayed away from her writing for a time, but she came back to it, bit by bit. I always think that you have to keep writing every day and through it all will come the nuggets, with the daily practice of your craft. As the saying goes the fool who persist in her folly, grows wise. Or as Flannery O’Connor said, you need to develop the habit of art. Today my friend’s blog entry had one such nugget as she wrote about a dream she had recently had about Brad and Angelina, and here was her nugget:

If sleep is the golden thread that ties health and body together, then dreams must certainly be the movies our souls provide for enjoyment.

I love that line and am grateful that she continues her writing. It puts me in mind of the book I just read called Cognitive Surplus, that people will do work for payment other than monetary compensation, in this case for gold.

2 Responses to “The habit of art”

  1. Alice Says:

    I didn’t even consider the line was phrase-worthy, but it seemed to work for the thought I had in mind. And all the positive feedback has been better than gold in my pocket! 😆

  2. Rachel Says:

    You go, girl.

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