Out on a limb

This morning over my deliciously brewed pu-erh tea, I sat on the screen porch and read how a twenty-year-old beat his parents to death with a hammer. News of the day. In the meantime, to my right was a list of things to do to get ready for Re-Bridge’s Gala, on my left was an outline of the white paper I’m writing for my client, and in the back of my mind was a fellow blogger who I have not had an opportunity to read in a while.

As I was contemplating a blue jay jumping from Crepe Myrtle branch to branch in the back yard, and listening to the wind chimes here at the LaLa and in my neighbor’s yard, my thoughts were placid and warm. I have a friend who is want to say, “When it’s right, it’s right,” so cavalierly as if, duh, but of course, but having come off some pretty rough and rocky terrain, I’d have to say yes, you know when it’s right, but what is the saying for those times when you are stepping on shards and stones and feel as if one slight move to the left or right might sink the whole enterprise? I’d have to say, go out on a limb my friend, because sometimes that is the best place to be.

My fellow blogger hit the perfect pitch for me this morning when he quoted Bukowski inciting to go all the way.

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